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  • CLICK HERE: Student Miranda Andersen talks about "nature deficit disorder." (:56)
  • CLICK HERE: Edith Tobe with the Squamish River Watershed Society talks about the restoration of the Squamish estuary. (5:28)
  • CLICK HERE: Randall Lewis with the Squamish Nation explains the characters carved into a totem pole erected to celebrate the restoration of the Squamish estuary. (1:47)
  • CLICK HERE: Jack Cooley with the Squamish Streamkeepers Society discusses the restoration of the herring population. (4:37)

Wetland Ecology Videos

For lesson plans that address wetland ecology, CLICK HERE.

  • CLICK HERE: David D’Amore, a research soil scientist with the USDA Forest Service, explains the types of wetlands. (4:22)
  • CLICK HERE: David D’Amore, a research soil scientist with the USDA Forest Service, expands on the functions of wetlands to control water flow, act as a filter, improve water quality, provide  habitat for unique plants and animals, provide habitat for migrating animals, control flooding, and store water.(3:01)
  • CLICK HERE: David D’Amore discusses the changes of wetlands over time. (1:55)
  • CLICK HERE: David D’Amore discusses the threats to wetlands.(2:06)
  • CLICK HERE: Rob Butler with Bird Studies Canada discusses the ecology of the Fraser River Delta near Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (1:13)
  • CLICK HERE: David Rak with the USDA Forest Service talks about how melting glaciers have affected the land. (1:01)
  • CLICK HERE: Dr. Martin Berg, Professor, Department of Biology, Loyola University, talks about species that are found in ponds and how they change over time and distance. (3:20)
  • CLICK HERE: Yakutat resident and native John Kadashan talks about how he and others in rural areas of Alaska use the forest and river to hunt and fish for food. (5:35)
  • CLICK HERE: Ricardo Ortega, General Manager of Grassland Water District in California, talks about the importance of water.
  • CLICK HERE: for Rachel Spadafore, restoration ecologist withe the Richardson Bay Audubon Center and Sanctuary.
  • CLICK HERE: for Kerry Wilcox, sanctuary manager for the Richardson Bay Audubon Center and Sanctuary.
  • CLICK HERE: for Jeff Stoddard, Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Manager for the California Department of Fish and Game.
  • CLICK HERE: for Dan Skalos, ecologist with the Point Reyes Bird Observatory.
  • CLICK HERE: for Catherine Hickey, Wetland Ecology Division with the Point Reyes Bird Observatory.

Shorebird and Fish Migration

For lesson plans that address shorebird and fish migration, CLICK HERE.

  • CLICK HERE: Ruth Foster with the Pacific WildLife Foundation gives a tour of a salmon hatchery and shows salmon in the alevin, fry and smolt stages. (3:57)
  • CLICK HERE: Rod MacVicar, a retired biology teacher who is now a director of the Pacific WildLife Foundation, explains how students and volunteers have restored salmon migration to a local stream. (1:33)
  • CLICK HERE: Rod MacVicar, director of the Pacific WildLife Foundation, talks about the importance of clean healthy streams and wetlands for salmon migration. (:58)
  • CLICK HERE: USDA Forest Service fisheries biologist Nate Catterson discusses the species of salmon that spawn in Alaska rivers and how the Forest Service promotes healthy ecosystems for salmon. (2:08)
  • CLICK HERE: Rob Butler with Bird Studies Canada discusses the importance of stopover sites for shorebirds, which are also areas of development.  He asks a key question: How should an important resource be shared? (1:13)
  • CLICK HERE: Mark Dreaver, a biologist for the Canadian Wildlife Service, talks about bird migration and importance of wetlands. (:56)
  • CLICK HERE: Dr. Martin Berg, a biology professor at Loyola University, discusses how climate change could affect the migration of the Rusty blackbird.  (:56)
  • CLICK HERE: How do salmon know which stream to return to to lay eggs and spawn? Gordie Reeves with the USDA Forest Service talks about salmon migration and life cycle. (2:38)
  • CLICK HERE: Bill Lucey, a biologist with the Yakutat Salmon Board, discusses the importance of the salmon fishery to the Yakutat area in Alaska, how the wild salmon from Alaska are marketed, and the importance of keeping the habitat healthy for salmon. (8:13)
  • CLICK HERE: Point Reyes Bird Observatory educators lead an after-school science enrichment program in the Canal Community of San Rafael, CA called Bird Club. In fall 2011, students in grades 3 to 5 created videos to share their knowledge and raise awareness in their community about the presence and importance of birds and their habitats.
Service Learning

For lesson plans that address service learning, CLICK HERE.

  • CLICK HERE: Students have become involved in restoring the salmon to Mossom Creek and building the hatchery, explains Rod MacVicar, a retired biology teacher who is now a director of the Pacific WildLife Foundation. (1:30)
  • CLICK HERE: Birds live and pass through many countries during their migration, and Dr. Rob Clay with Birdlife International talks about the importance of all countries being involved with their conservation. (2:12)
  • CLICK HERE: Gordie Reeves with the USDA Forest Service talks about how climate change will result in more rain as rather than snow and decrease the availability of invertebrates that migrating birds depend on for food. (2:21)
  • CLICK HERE: Peter Davidson with Bird Studies Canada discusses the importance of citizens contributing their wildlife observations to ongoing studies as well as the importance of stopovers for migrating birds. (3:24)
  • CLICK HERE: Christopher Di Corrado, Coordinator of the British Columbia Breeding Bird Atlas, talks about how data gathered by bird watchers is used to make land use decisions. (1:48)
  • CLICK HERE: Dr. Martin Berg, a biology professor at Loyola University, talks about the education required to become an aquatic ecologist. (1:20)
  • CLICK HERE: Brian Merritt, an elementary teacher in Wrangell, Alaska, takes his students on a field trip on the Stikine River. (1:58)

In Spanish

  • CLICK HERE:  Mark Dreaver, a biologist for the Canadian Wildlife Service, talks about bird migration and importance of wetlands. (:54)
  • CLICK HERE:  Birds live and pass through many countries during their migration, and Dr. Rob Clay with Birdlife International talks about the importance of all countries being involved with their conservation. (2:12)
  • La Bocana de Iscuandé: Un lugar para conservar
    El delta del río Iscuandé es considerado una de las zonas de manglar más importante de la costa Pacífica colombiana y la más importante en términos de la avifauna marina y playera migratoria para el país. En este lugar el consejo comunitario Esfuerzo Pescador y la Asociación Calidris acordaron trabajar para mantener los recursos naturales de la zona, a través de un proceso participativo.  Producciones Pataeperro Asociación Calidris